mercredi 27 mars 2013

Turn the web into a phone-controlled 3D puzzle with Chrome's World Wide Maze

Chrome Maze

Google's Chrome Experiments are wacky technological showcases designed to demonstrate what's possible with a modern web browser. And the latest of these experiments is a doozy -- World Wide Maze lets you turn your favorite website into a 3D marble-based puzzle.

To get started with World Wide Maze you'll need the latest desktop version of Chrome, and a phone running iOS 5 or Android 4.0 or greater. Next you synchronize your desktop and mobile browsers by entering a code, or using the Chrome Tab Sync feature. Then use a keyword search to find a site to turn into a maze -- an image heavy site like Android Central works pretty well.

Once Google's finished crunching the site in question, it'll be presented to you on your PC as a multi-level 3D maze -- think Marble Blast or Super Monkey Ball -- controlled by your smartphone's accelerometer and on-screen touch controls. Pretty cool!

Check out the Google Chrome World Wide Maze at the link below. Alternatively we've got an official video after the break.

Source: World Wide Maze; via: Engadget

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