Since a loss in in the middle of the night, while his rider him free had left in a house in the UAE, fortunately avoided damage it is lifted in the night, to change her baby, which continue to wreak last spearhead of Samsung from chaos, and not only in relation to sales. And today the case we present a Galaxy S4 which burned and full fire after he blew up a House of Hong Kong.
As we today from the Sun newspaper reported, began a Galaxy S4 a burn to have exploded, while the user was holding it in his hand. It then started in the room before you go out. The fire caused by the Smartphone then lit the curtains before burning the whole House of the couch then.
An incident much more serious than that, although no one was injured, burned a whole House others and financial damage are happily covered by individual insurance.
As the report of this S4 Galaxy that has burned says, bought before the summer in a conventional outlet and had the battery and the original charger, in contrast to the Galaxy S3, which had burned the leg of a young Switzerland a few weeks ago.
Alarmed, Samsung said it would immediately start an investigation to determine how a dramatic incident occurred. In all cases, the incidence of cases of Samsung devices that explode starts to do more except relates to bad advertising for the brand and the cause, and I am not surprised one day a death by a Samsung device caused.
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