Difficult to navigate JavaScript frameworks! Mobile is even worse: the technical limitations that we grow more and more to find the Pearl: the framework that will simplify us life, without wasting time and without slowing down the application.
We found it? Almost, but in any case we seek
First, when it starts in the development of web applications in fall of big fish, big frameworks that do everything. Forget them!
SenchaTouch kill you: this frame is so ' ios - like ' will have most of the time to break everything to rebuild when you go to the version of Android app. Lists of do everything to look native but not provide in comparison: displacement of lags and learn the ins and outs of the Dr. will take you all the time.
jQueryMobile is almost good, but if you're pointing old terminal application are all similarly to start paddling. The reason is simple:
jQueryMobile is great!
Do even after a compilation custom (in beta), still it is big enough, and then you have that they include jQuery - across the Court, it would be not a bit exaggerated?
Another jQueryMobile disadvantage is that he is managed rather the DOM when is ' improving ' the HTML code for the representation of the various components.»
Although they have recently reduced the amount of manipulation of this type, this operation is very expensive in performance on a smartphone!
This is what you should ask whenever you add a JavaScript library to your project.
Zepto.js, for example, is a JavaScript library that incorporates the main features of jQuery, but with what is needed for mobile: is not optimized for the old Firefox or IE. It has the huge advantage of being small (25 KB) and not get if you just jQuery.
However you will find difficult to be efficient with an application complete-JavaScript if not filled Zepto a JavaScript templating system. For this we recommend mustache.js or better as well:
Handlebar, fuller mustache.js is a scalable system templates based on reinforcement. It allows to generate HTML for the data. You can manage lists, conditions and even allows to define your own tags.
Therefore, with this pair of bookcases, Zepto, and handlebars, 30 KB in total, that I'm more like. But the competition is tough, and other frameworks are talking with them.
The new advertising is the MV frameworks *, not fully MVC frameworks, but are inspired. She was found among them the famous Google AngularJS, Backbone.js and Ember.js
AngularJs and EmberJs are trying to improve the HTML components through the incorporation of a template as well - like system. They also simplify update views in real time, is the famous " two way data binding«.»" Spinal column puts everything to avoid this, bearing in mind that it is for a demo but it is not necessary in the 'real world', you choose!
Don't miss this topic organized whole AngularJS presentation soon by CodeDarmor on 22 October next in Lannion.
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