Tired of missing out on the latest viral video because you're stuck in offline mode, humbug on deep dungeon with nary a bite? Jonesing for the latest Taylor Swift video, but I have been given a signal to synchronize the singer? Well, worry no longer. Because on YouTube-the collection allows you to take the whole freakin YouTube list with you to your choice of resolutions--offline!
It is the right thing to do. Get a 240 p Gangnam-style. Catch the cats in 480 p. For the more discerning crowd hit 720 p and 1080 p full HD videos.
So, Yes. YouTube can close until the year 2023 (not really), but now you can take it with you, again, to the April Fool's day post put the low, low price! (And, what's more--and this is the year 2012, but Google's got it on the YouTube Home page again this year.)
Do you ever downloaded a cooking class? They can be yours for only $ 54,635 discs and 131,656 Plus $ 59,302, shipping and handling charges. The shit people say? Well, it is a mere 90,000 CDs! Do you need a gift for a paper? Not to worry! It costs just 5 percent.
(Also available as a video tape or laser disc of the Betamax. Additional delivery service is free of charge. Freigh ship shipping too.)
In this way, you can subscribe to! (Thanks Marcch!)
See also:
Check out this latest Google April Fools message, go to YouTube.com and click in the upper left corner of the logo. (See how it got DVD poking out of it? Subtle.)
Or just hit on youtube.com/theyoutubecollection.
Worth walking through the ordering process. Someone had fun with this one.
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