The retail availability of the Pebble smartwatch has been expanding over time. And as of today, it looks like the smartwatch has arrived with yet another retailer. The latest is Amazon and they have the watch available in two colors and as a Prime eligible item.
Those two colors are black and red and the price of the smartwatch is close to what we have been seeing with other retailers (as well as direct with Pebble). Amazon has the black Pebble selling for $149.99 and the red model is slightly less expensive, at $147.49. In addition to the availability, Amazon in included a gift card for those who make a purchase.
Those who pick up either color Pebble from Amazon will get a $20 Gift Card. Basically, while the price of the watch is the same as with other retailers, it looks like Amazon is banking on some going for the Gift Card. Not to mention, the Prime eligibility for the shipping.
Of course, if black or red is not the color you prefer, there are other options available. The Get Pebble website has the watch in the same Jet Black and Cherry Red. They also have Orange and Arctic White in-stock and ready to ship with Grey currently sitting in a backordered state.
While there are more and more smartwatches coming available, the Pebble seems to be a favorite for many. We suspect that is partially due to the lower price. The Samsung Galaxy Gear is $299.99 and the Qualcomm Toq is $349.99. But otherwise, the Pebble also has quite a bit of developer support, which means goodies coming not only from the Pebble team, but also from third-party developers and enthusiasts.
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