Games now in the heart of the Android platform. Let us play together! This is the main theme, but also the slogan on the official invitation of the Google i/o-2013 mentioned passed recently to journalists. A slogan of the already the conducting thread of the Google Developer Conference 2013 Edition summarizes. A Google I / 0-2013, which dedicated to games and players.
Let's play together of course the expression! -French: play together! -a already a whole bunch meanings more or less explicit but, taking into account the many rumors about the impending arrival of a Google game center with Android or the current setting of veteran game Noah Falstein context refers here, and there is certainly no chance.
A logical, if you see interest gradually developed but also material innovations around the game for some time in the heart of Android, connected, especially on the side of Qualcomm, easier games the graphics optimization.
Ditto on the side of the developers and the migration of the games intensified more and more to the platform of Google offers now a complete and optimized ecosystem for the games.
Games on Android in the heart of the Google i/o-2013.A slogan is a little confirmation to all speculation that Google aims to restructure the infrastructure of the games on Android devices from Google's new service. Sometimes speculation fueled by the discovery of the multiplayer mode in real time within the APK from the glass of Google code, as well as following the appointment of Noah Falstien as Chief within the Android Studio designer play. A name that means much, certainly in the gaming industry and may not have have been recruited through random by Google. In any case, one thing is sure, I'm curious to see what prepared games on the side of the new platform for Android
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