Nintendo, for Smartphone-Games developer, to propose a solution so that they are compatible with the Wii console U.
The market, controlled by the super 3 companies, Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony, is somehow close enough to the Smartphone market, telephony, as 2 of the 3 in this market are already present. In fact, Sony offers a part of his catalog of PlayStation Store (PS) on the stamped Xperia PlayStation game and Microsoft already extended service Xbox Live for Windows phone, not to mention the Xbox 360 Dashboard with the shelves with the SmartGlass. These two companies play and thus one win on two tables.
Because a cake is never to together used, Nintendo decided that he wanted it as a piece that account entitles its home console gaming smartphone market. Nintendo proposes therefore a solution to, or rather to a program is, that would be a compiler of kind of automatically the Smartphone Games in language can be used convert from the console Wii U.

This new Nintendo strategy on Smartphones which hinder can poor results at 2012 competition could explain, increase plays the prestige / the contours of the company to an audience, to develop a lot and its catalogue (eShop), suddenly influence, sales would open current console.
It is, in fact, this last point, that the reason for the decline in the sales of the console seems and that have caused an operating loss of 36.4 billion yen (yen for the group for the year ended in March), a loss which is added, the first on the previous fiscal year could end 2012: the lack of game and above all the popular titles, which are often available on several racks, but rarely on Nintendo.
Nintendo therefore is down slope and may attempt a comeback with the advent of smartphones on its console games.
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